Sunday, October 29, 2017

10 Warning Signs You Should Take Your Dog to the Vet

10 Warning Signs You Should Take Your Dog to the Vet
Sunny's Natural Pet Supplements
When to worry about your pet

Your dog is part of the family: They are your best friend, they eat your leftovers, and they accompany you on morning walks.

But your dog can’t complain, so how do you know when to seek medical help? How can you tell if that limp signifies a sprain, or that sneeze requires an antibiotic?

*Learn the warning signs that mean you should take your pet to the vet.*

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sunny's Natural Pet Supplements

Do you love your Pet so much that they are like family to you? 

If yes? Then you obviously want your beloved pet to live a long healthy life as possible. I know how you feel, believe me because I lost my beloved Golden Retriever Sunny to cancer way to early in his life. 

Watch This Video, Hilarious Dogs "Failing" at Being Dogs
To this day, I am heart-broken and get teary eyed ever-time I look at Sunny Boy's photos. This is my mission and story about Sunny and Me.

Sunny was a Golden Retriever that I rescued from a life of neglect and abuse but now I have come to think, Who really rescued who? One more thought on that, people who abuse animals have a special place in Hell if you ask me!

I did not have a name for him but I kept kicking goofy pet names around. To name a few names that I thought of naming Sunny, were:
* Chewbarka (did I tell you I also love Star Wars!?)
*Orville Redenbarker (reason: I love popcorn! Lot's of butter!) 

*Ozzy Pawsborne *Prince of Barkness * (I'm a huge fan of Ozzy Osbourne)
Sherlock Bones (I think I want to come back as Sherlock Holmes in another life)
Then one day, after almost a month with no official name for Sunny, it was time for his walk, out of no-where I said, “Come on Sunny Boy! Let's go for a walk!” And then I had my “Ah-Ha!” moment.
Why did I call him Sunny just then? Because he brought “Sunshine” so to speak, into everyone's life he met. By the way, Sunny made a LOUSY guard dog, he loved people way to much. BUT he might have licked an burglar to death in his defense!
I stood there and thought, “This dog really does bring “Sunshine” into everyone's life.” And So it was, his name from now on would be SUNNY.
Sunny belonged to not just me but to the world. He was everyone's dog and Sunny would not have had it any other way. He just wanted to love you and be loved.
He loved everyone, even CATS! Every time I took Sunny out for a walk or a ride, he inevitably made new friends, whether it be human, a squirrel or another dog. Sunny just want to love you and be loved. Sunny loved to chase the ball and bring it back to you. 

And Swimming? Sunny was a natural, just throw the tennis ball into the water and Sunny would dive in with all paws and bring the ball back to you!
Sunny would even give you HUGS, even though he had no arms. This is how he would “Hug” you. You would be sitting there, he would walk into the room and place his head in you lap and rub his head into you lap. OMG! 

This dog just wanted to love and be loved. Sunny loved to “go for rides” in the car (what dog doesn't) he would place his head in between the driver's seat and passenger seat, with his butt sitting on the back seat. Frequently on the drive, he would lean his head into mine as if to say “I love you, here's a hug.” How can you not love that!
Dang it! I'm getting emotional even as I speak to you, for real, if you ever have the chance of meeting me in person, you will know that my feelings and emotions for Sunny are the real deal and if you love your pet as much as I loved Sunny you know I speak the truth and from the heart.
A few years after Sunny came into my life, he was not his normal playful self one-day. He was not eating as much, he was lethargic, playful and tired. I knew something was wrong. After a trip to the veterinarian, my worst nightmare came true, I learned that Sunny had cancer and there was nothing that could be done to save my beloved Sunny.
Even worse his life expectancy was 6 months or Less! Oh My GOD! My heart was ripped out. How would I survive without Sunny in my life? He was my most loyal, beloved best friend in the whole world! I hoped for the best but prepared for the worst.
The next six months passed and Sunny's condition worsened. I asked the Vet, “How will I know when the end is near?” She said “When he stops eating and drinking.” One night, Sunny did not eat dinner or drink any water. I knew the end was at any moment. Sunny's last moment with me happened when I was watching TV.
He slowly walked into the living room, he placed his head into my lap and look up at me. He stayed in this position for several minutes giving me a “hug”. I knew right then that he was saying his last good-bye. I just knew it.
As Sunny walked away to his bed, I wept. Sunny would not survive the night I just knew it in my heart and soul.
Sunny passed away peacefully in his sleep shortly afterward. With Sunny's passing, I had lost my best friend.
There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of him. My life and house feels empty without Sunny. If you have lost a beloved pet before? You can empathize with me.
In Honor of Sunny's short but blessed life, I made it my mission to help ALL pet owner's . We will outlive our beloved pets for sure, but it does not mean our pet's cannot live as long as possible. How can we have our pet's live as long as possible?
I started doing research, how can I help our pets live a longer healthier life? That's when I found Pet Health Natural Vitamins and Wellness Products. Maybe Sunny could have lived longer had I given him PET Health Vitamins and Wellness Products? Who knows? It's to late for Sunny and me but I can help you now. 
I can't guarantee with PET HEALTH Natural Supplements and Shampoos that your beloved pet will live forever, (wouldn't it be nice though) but I can guarantee your pet will live a longer and healthier life!
If you think this blog is a bunch of bullshit!  Well, you have my name, email and phone number. Come visit me in Phoenix, Arizona USA.  I will show you that Sunny was real and my sincerity to help you is true.